A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Sandbox System is a game I thought of a year ago, it is a game where you can unleash your creativity and build whatever you desire! With this game, you have access to a wide variety of different objects and colours that you can use to create your very own world. One of the key features of this sandbox game is the ability to save your progress. This means that you can work on a project for as long as you like, and then come back to it later without losing any of your progress. Whether you're building a magnificent castle or a simple home or causing massive explosions with thousands of cubes/spheres/cylinders and more! Finally, our game offers multiple maps for you to explore and build in. Whether you prefer a mountainous terrain or a map generated out of cubes, our game will put your creativity to the test. So why wait? Start building your world today with Sandbox System!

Introducing: Pro edition, get more out of the game by buying this edition for cheap as chips! you will unlock various new features, maps and content that is from future versions! if you enjoyed standard why not go the step further and get pro?

Find archived builds here!


Sandbox System - 1.0 - Windows - Pro.zip 39 MB
Sandbox System 1.0 - Linux - Pro.zip 37 MB
Sandbox System - 1.0 - Windows 32 MB
Sandbox System - 1.0 - Linux 30 MB


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omg omg this game is soooo cool 5 starts ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ my kids love this game and I think everyone should download


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